
来源: 威廉希尔足球 时间:2017-03-18 点击量:

姓 名:程晓敏

















[1]. 非磁性GeTe/Sb2Te3超晶格薄膜及存储单元磁阻效应及其物理机制基础研究,84万,国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持)

[2]. 抗热串扰、低电流相变存储材料与器件关键技术,376万,863项目课题(主持)

[3]. 纳米电流通道结构垂直磁隧道结自旋转移磁化反转研究,20万,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(主持)

[4]. 高密度相变存储器抗热串扰技术研究,15万,武汉市科技计划项目(主持)

[5]. 高***256Kb**存储器阵列设计与实现技术,300万,总装预研项目

[6]. 高速、低功耗相变随机存储器技术,450万,863计划重大项目课题

[7]. 高密度、低功耗电阻式相变存储器技术研究,92万,863计划面上项目

[8]. 忆阻器材料及其原型器件研究,173万,科技部国际科技合作项目

[9]. SmCo5垂直磁化膜的制备及其形成机理研究,36万,国家自然科学基金面上项目

[10]. 相变随机存储器功能芯片研究,100万,湖北省重大科技攻关项目


[1]. 一种热膨胀系数的测量方法及装置,国家发明专利,已授权

[2]. 用于相变存储器的硅掺杂的铋碲基存储材料及制备方法,国家发明专利,已授权

[3] 一种非对称相变存储器单元及器件,国家发明专利,已授权

[4] CoPt/Ta垂直磁化膜的双层结构材料及其制备方法,国家发明专利,已授权


[1] Wang S, Guan XW,Cheng XM*, Lian C, Huang T,Miao XS,Spin-wave propagation steered by electric field modulated exchange interaction,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,6, 2016, 31783

[2] Lu B,Cheng XM*, Feng JL, Guan XW, and Miao XS, Logic gates realized by nonvolatile GeTe/Sb2Te3 super lattice phase-change memory with a magnetic field input,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Volume 109, 2016, 023506

[3] Ju C,Cheng XM*, Miao XS, Amorphization and amorphous stability of Bi2Te3 chalcogenide films,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Volume 100, 2012, 142114

[4] X. W. Guan,X. M. Cheng*, T. Huang, S. Wang, K. H. Xue, and X. S. Miao, Effect of metal-to-metal interface states on the electric-field modified magnetic anisotropy in MgO/Fe/non-magnetic metal,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,119, 2016, 133905

[5] Jindong Liu,Xiaomin Cheng*, Fei Tong, and Xiangshui Miao, Spin-glass behavior and anomalous magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic Ge1-xFexTe epilayer,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Volume 116, 2014, 043901

[6] X. W. Guan,X. M. Cheng*, T. Huang, and X. S. Miao, Interface structure and magnetism of CoFe/A1-FePt films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Volume 116, 2014, 116, 213910

[7] X.W. Guan,X. M. Cheng*, S. Wang, T. Huang, K.H. Xue,and X.S. Miao, Effect of MgO/Fe Interface Oxidation State on Electric-Field Modulation of Interfacial Magnetic Anisotropy,JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS,Vol.45, No. 6, 2016, p3162-3166

[8] T.Huang,X.M.Cheng*, X.W.Guan, and X.S Miao, Effect of the Chalcogenide Element Doping on the Electronic Properties of Co2FeAl Heusler Alloys,JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS,, Vol. 45, No. 2, 2016, p1028-1034

[9] N. LIU, C. JU,X.M.CHENG*, and X.S. MIAO, Surface Band Tuning of Bi2Te3 Topological Insulator Thin Films by Gas Adsorption,JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS,Vol. 43, No. 9, 2014,p3105-3109

[10]F.Tong, J.D.Liu,X.M.Cheng*, J.H.Hao, G.Y.Gao, H.Tong, X.S.Miao, Lattice strain induced phase selection and epitaxial relaxation in crystalline GeTe thin film,THIN SOLID FILMS, Volume 568, 2014, p70–73

[11]Jindong Liu,Xiaomin Cheng*,Fei Tong, and Xiangshui Miao, Electronic structure and metal-insulator transition in crystalline magnetic phase-change material Ge1-xFexTe,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,Vol.650, 2015, 70-74

[12]Adam Abdalla Elbashir Adam,Xiaomin Cheng*, Xiawei Guan, Xiangshui Miao, Ferromagnetism modulation by phase change in Mn-doped GeTe chalcogenide magnetic materials,APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING,2014,117, 2115–2119

[13]T.Huang,X.M.Cheng*, X.W.Guan, and X.S Miao, Effect of Ultrathin Inserted Ag Layer on Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy of CoFeB Thin Film,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS,2014, VOL. 50, NO. 11, 4400904

[14]T.Huang,X.M.Cheng*,X.W.Guan, and X.S Miao, Improvement of the Half-Metallic Stability of Co2FeAl Heusler Alloys by GeTe-Doping,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS,2015, VOL. 51, NO. 11, 2600504

[15]Adam Abdalla Elbashir Adam,Xiaomin Cheng*,Xiang shui Miao, Thickness dependence and Magnetization Behavior of Mn-doped GeTe Phase Change Materials,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE: MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS,2015, 26: 5202–5208



Email: xmcheng@mail.hust.edu.cn



Xiaomin Cheng


Phone: 86-27-87793406

Email: xmcheng@mail.hust.edu.cn

Academic Areas: Information Storage Materials And Devices

Xiaomin Cheng is a Professor at the School of Integrated Circuit in Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Her research spans information storage materials and devices, including spintronic materials and devices, phase-change memory materials and devices, semiconductor memory, magnetic recording media, magnetic materials and functional thin film materials etc. She played important roles in many national, provincial and ministerial level fundings, for example, the 863 major sub-project "New storage devices," 863 project " Resistance type phase change memory technology for high density and low power consumption", Natural Science Fundation of China "optical -magnetic hybrid recording media, properties and disc research", the Natural Science Fund of China " Preparation and mechanism of SmCo5 perpendicular magnetic thin films ", the Hubei Provincial Key Scientific and Technogical Fund "Research on phase change random access memory chip" and so on. Currently, she is in charge of three projects, the Natural Science Foundation Project of China "Magnetization reversal study in the perpendicular spin torque transfer magnetic tunnel junction with nano-current channel structure ", the Natural Science Foundation Project of China “Fundamental research on the magnetoresistance effect and its physical mechanism in nonmagnetic GeTe/Sb2Te3 superlattice thin films and memory cells”; 863 sub-project “Research on the anti-thermal crosstalk, low-current phase change materials and devices”. Xiaomin Cheng has published more than 30 journal papers and has applied for 13 patents including 1 international patent.

Academic Degrees

PhD in Microelectronics and Solid Electronics, 2008, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;

Master Degree in Data Storage, 2002, National University of Singapore;

BA in Material Science, 1996, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Professional Experience

2015.01-Present:Professor,Huazhong University of Science and Technology

2011.08-2012.09:Visiting Scholar, University of Minnesota, USA

2009.01-2014.12:Associate Professor,Huazhong University of Science and Technology

2002.03-2008.12:Lecturer,Huazhong University of Science and Technology

1996.06-1999.07:Teaching Assistant,Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Selected Publications

[1] Wang S, Guan XW,Cheng XM*, Lian C, Huang T,Miao XS,Spin-wave propagation steered by electric field modulated exchange interaction,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,6, 2016, 31783

[2] Lu B,Cheng XM*, Feng JL, Guan XW, and Miao XS, Logic gates realized by nonvolatile GeTe/Sb2Te3 super lattice phase-change memory with a magnetic field input,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Volume 109, 2016, 023506

[3] Ju C,Cheng XM*, Miao XS, Amorphization and amorphous stability of Bi2Te3 chalcogenide films,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Volume 100, 2012, 142114

[4] X. W. Guan,X. M. Cheng*, T. Huang, S. Wang, K. H. Xue, and X. S. Miao, Effect of metal-to-metal interface states on the electric-field modified magnetic anisotropy in MgO/Fe/non-magnetic metal,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,119, 2016, 133905

[5] Jindong Liu,Xiaomin Cheng*, Fei Tong, and Xiangshui Miao, Spin-glass behavior and anomalous magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic Ge1-xFexTe epilayer,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Volume 116, 2014, 043901

[6] X. W. Guan,X. M. Cheng*, T. Huang, and X. S. Miao, Interface structure and magnetism of CoFe/A1-FePt films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Volume 116, 2014, 116, 213910

[7] X.W. Guan,X. M. Cheng*, S. Wang, T. Huang, K.H. Xue,and X.S. Miao, Effect of MgO/Fe Interface Oxidation State on Electric-Field Modulation of Interfacial Magnetic Anisotropy,JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS,Vol.45, No. 6, 2016, p3162-3166

[8] T.Huang,X.M.Cheng*, X.W.Guan, and X.S Miao, Effect of the Chalcogenide Element Doping on the Electronic Properties of Co2FeAl Heusler Alloys,JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS,, Vol. 45, No. 2, 2016, p1028-1034

[9] N. LIU, C. JU,X.M.CHENG*, and X.S. MIAO, Surface Band Tuning of Bi2Te3 Topological Insulator Thin Films by Gas Adsorption,JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS,Vol. 43, No. 9, 2014,p3105-3109

[10]F.Tong, J.D.Liu,X.M.Cheng*, J.H.Hao, G.Y.Gao, H.Tong, X.S.Miao, Lattice strain induced phase selection and epitaxial relaxation in crystalline GeTe thin film,THIN SOLID FILMS, Volume 568, 2014, p70–73

[11]Jindong Liu,Xiaomin Cheng*,Fei Tong, and Xiangshui Miao, Electronic structure and metal-insulator transition in crystalline magnetic phase-change material Ge1-xFexTe,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,Vol.650, 2015, 70-74

[12]Adam Abdalla Elbashir Adam,Xiaomin Cheng*, Xiawei Guan, Xiangshui Miao, Ferromagnetism modulation by phase change in Mn-doped GeTe chalcogenide magnetic materials,APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING,2014,117, 2115–2119

[13]T.Huang,X.M.Cheng*, X.W.Guan, and X.S Miao, Effect of Ultrathin Inserted Ag Layer on Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy of CoFeB Thin Film,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS,2014, VOL. 50, NO. 11, 4400904

[14]T.Huang,X.M.Cheng*,X.W.Guan, and X.S Miao, Improvement of the Half-Metallic Stability of Co2FeAl Heusler Alloys by GeTe-Doping,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS,2015, VOL. 51, NO. 11, 2600504

[15]Adam Abdalla Elbashir Adam,Xiaomin Cheng*,Xiang shui Miao, Thickness dependence and Magnetization Behavior of Mn-doped GeTe Phase Change Materials,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE: MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS,2015, 26: 5202–5208

Courses Taught

· Foundation of Information Storage Technology (Undergraduate Course)

· Semiconductor Materials and Devices (All-in-English Postgraduate Course)


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