
来源: 威廉希尔足球 时间:2017-03-18 点击量:

姓 名:陈实













1. Shi Chen, Xiaofei Yang, Jun Ouyang, Gengqi Lin,Fang Jin, Bei Tong, Fabrication and characterization of shape anisotropy AlN/FeCoSiB magnetoelectric composite films, Ceramics International, 40 (2014) 3419–3423.

2. Bei Tong, Xiaofei Yang, Jun Ouyang, Gengqi Lin, Yue Zhang andShi Chen*, Magnetoelectric response of AlN/[(Fe90Co10)78Si12B10+Terfenol-D] composite films, Journal of Applied Physics, 115 (2014) 17D904.

3. Yue Zhang, Rui Xiong, Zhi Yang, Wei Yu,Benpeng Zhu,Shi Chen*and Xiaofei Yang, Enhancement of Interparticle Exchange Coupling in CoFe2O4/ CoFe2Composite Nanoceramics Via Spark Plasma Sintering Technology, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 96 [12] (2013) 3798–3804.

4. B. Tong, X.F. Yang, J. Ouyang, G.Q. Lin,S. Chen*,Giant converse magnetoelectric effect of AlN-(Fe90Co10)78Si12B10thin film composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 563 (2013) 51–54.

5. Bei Tong, Xiaofei Yang, Zhe Guo, Kun Li, Jun Ouyang, Gengqi Lin,Shi Chen*, Preparation and characterization of AlN/ FeCoSiB magnetoelectric thin film composites, Ceramics International, 39 (2013) 6853–6859.

6. Yue Zhang, Zhi Yang, Ben-Peng Zhu, Jun Ou-Yang, Rui Xiong, Xiao-Fei Yang,Shi Chen*, Exchange bias effect of Co3xFexO4(x= 0, 0.09, 0.14 and 0.27),Journal of Alloys and Compounds,514 (2012) 25–29.

7. 吴少兵,陈实*,李海,杨晓非,TMR与GMR传感器1/f 噪声的研究进展, 物理学报,61(9) (2012) 097504

8. Yue Zhang,Zhi Yang,Benpeng Zhu,Shi Chen,Xiaofei Yang,Rui Xiong,,Yong Liu, Exchange-spring effect in CoFe2O4/CoFe2composite nano-particles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 567 (2013) 73–76.

9. S. B. Wu,T. Zhu,X. F. Yang andS. Chen,The anomalous Hall effect in the perpendicular Ta/CoFeB/MgO thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 113 (2013) 17C717.

10. S. B. Wu,X. F. Yang,S. ChenandT. Zhu,Scaling of the anomalous Hall effect in perpendicular CoFeB/Pt multilayers, Journal of Applied Physics, 113 (2013) 17C119.

11.Yong Hu, Guo-Qin Ge,Shi Chen, Xiao-Fei Yang, and You-Ling Chen , Cross-Kerr-effect induced by coupled Josephson qubits in circuit quantum electrodynamics, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 84 (2011) 012329.

12. Yang Liu, Xuefeng Ruan, Benpeng Zhu,Shi Chen, Zhihong Lu, Jing Shi, Rui Xiong,CoFe2O4/BaTiO3Composites via Spark Plasma Sintering with Enhanced Magneto-electric Coupling and Excellent Anisotropy, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94 [6] (2011) 1695–1697.

13. Lei Yu,Shi Chen*, Jun Ouyang, Chao Zuo, Xinguo Chen, Shaobin Wu, Xiaofei Yang, Error compensation and implementation of embedded high-precision magnetometer, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering. Wuhan, China. 2010. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2010: 911-914. (EI: 11643057)

14. Jun Ouyang,Shi Chen*, Lei Yu, Chao Zuo, Xinguo Chen, Shaobing Wu, Xiaofei Yang. Compensation Method of Cross-axis Effect for AMR Sensor,Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering. Wuhan, China. 2010. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2010: 603-606. (EI: 11642684)

15. Shaobin Wu,Shi Chen*, Jun Ouyang, Chao Zuo, Lei Yu, Xiaofei Yang. Research on Fabrication Process of MEMS-based Micro-fluxgate Sensor,Proceedings of the 2010 First International Symposium on Spintronic Devices and Commercialization. Beijing, China. 2010.

16. Chao Zuo,Shi Chen*, Shaobin Wu, Jun Ouyang, Lei Yu, Xiaofei Yang. Design of Interface ASIC for Micro-fluxgate Sensor, Proceedings of the 2010 First International Symposium on Spintronic Devices and Commercialization. Beijing, China. 2010.



Email: s_chen@mail.hust.edu.cn



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